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Banking Details

CBZ Bulawayo Branch, Zimbabwe

Account Name: Elevators Career Guidance & Youth Empowerment Organization

US dollar account number: 01226696860021

ZWL (RTGS) account number: 01226696860011

Contact Number: +263 783 495 595

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What Programs We Provide

Career Guidance

  • To form 3-6 in schools, during school visits. Two hours long career guidance sessions which involve drama, PowerPoint Presentation, Ice breakers, question and answer, one on one sessions
  • To teachers in schools: training teachers on how to give career guidance to learners on a regular basis
  • Online: through our Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram platforms. Our mentors are always ready to talk to Youths
  • In community centers to School leavers

Youth Mentorship

  • What's app platform. Youths from the ages of 13-35 are mentored for a period of one year through what’s app, phone calls and sometimes

Free Mentorship training

  • To create mentorship relationship between secondary and high school learners
  • To create mentorship relationship between high school learners and tertiary institution students within one community mentors are then matched with a maximum of four mentees for a year

Entrepreneurship training

  • Youths in our communities to be empowered by knowledge about how to start their own businesses
  • To encourage youths to create businesses that do not only benefit themselves but businesses that benefit their communities as well.

Leadership training

  • To unleash leadership qualities within youths in our communities.
  • To teach youth about how to become everyday leaders.
  • To encourage youths to take leadership positions that will impact their communities

Civic participation training

  • In schools, community centers, and online
    through what’s app and zoom. Training youths on Youth policies, how to participate and make a difference in their communities. How to give back

Drug campaigns

  • This is a physical and media campaign to educate and enable Zimbabwean youth to reject
    drugs. It is a multi-faceted primary prevention campaign.
  • This campaign, is developed from a solid scientific base, it will be implemented in
    collaboration with Government of Zimbabwe and any interested stake-holders (non-profit,
    public, and private-sector organizations) for a Drug-Free Zimbabwe.

Sexual reproductive health issues

  • In schools, community centers, and online through what’s app and zoom.

About Our Team

We have the Experienced & Dedicated team

As a dedicated well knit team, we ready to assist and work within the communities of various backgrounds and cultures. Our Team members boast of expertise in various fields required in implementing different programs in communities

Happy Participants
0 +
Successful Seminars
0 +
Years Of Experience
Professional Team Members
0 +

24/7 Availability

We Are Available on Our Social Media Platforms

Talk to Us and engage us on our Social Media Platforms where we are available 24hrs to assist the best way we can!

Our Address

143 Hebron, Plumtree, Zimbabwe

Phone Number

+263 783 495 595

Office Email

Working Hour

8 AM - 5 PM , Monday - Saturday

Together we can build better and successful youth dominated communities

Useful Links



Work Hours

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Website Created by Bert Plus